Ljubiša Mitrović, Danijela Zdravković

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We live in a global age of “modernity out of joint and instrumental rationality” (J. Habermas), in which the neoliberal logic of development is imposed as the dominant way of rationalization in all activities (from the economy to education and culture). This is where we are faced with the phenomenon of the rise of academic capitalism in the management of universities. The spirit of corporate logic suppresses not only the statist way of managing universities, but also any other form of autonomous associative participatory development of universities as a cognitive-educational, rational and humane community of homo academicus. This paper explores the scope of different models of education management, with a special focus on the modern university and its development contradictions. The author culminates this paper with an invocation - that if the university is to become the key cognitive and developmental capital, a factor in the development of self-awareness and a treasurer of identity culture, and a participant in the humanistic-emancipatory processes of the democratic development of society and humanity, it must avoid the traps of both statist and corporate management. In other words, the modernization process of the university management system must follow the principles of a rational, humane and participative community, whose supreme values are: the creative search for truth, the development of an autonomous critical personality, lifelong learning, patriotism and philanthropy. Achieving these goals requires the preservation and development of the university's autonomy, because it is a prerequisite for its development as a creative and critical institution in the service of truth, people and humanity. Meeting these goals requires the preservation and development of the university's autonomy, because it is a prerequisite for its development as a creative and critical institution in the service of truth, people and humanity.


University, management models in education, academic capitalism, participatory management, lifelong learning and community, sustainable development

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)