Mile Ilić, Aleksandra Ilić Petković

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In the Republic of Serbia, many areas are undergoing reform processes that should bring our country closer to the European Union. This incorporates various activities aimed at achieving this goal. In the public sector, especially in the state administration, local self-government, and public services (primarily educational institutions), there are legal solutions which are considerably harmonized with the practice and legal system of similar European countries. Such is the case with the professional training and development of employees in the state administration, local self-government and public services (especially educational institutions). The necessity for employees' continuing activities in these areas is noticed, not only in terms of professional training, but especially in terms of their own professional development. Employees themselves can deal with that, but it is also the obligation of the institutions in which they work. This is particularly important for public sector employees - in state administration, local self-government and public services. The paper provides a legal framework for professional training and development of employees in the state administration, local self-government and public services, especially in the institutions in the field of education, and suggests some ideas for the improvement of particular legal solutions.


professional training and development, state administration, local self-government, public services, regulations

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)