Zoran Momčilović, Vladimir Momčilović, Marija Grbović

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The authors of this paper, which is a part of a more extensive research, provide an overview of anthropometric characteristics and motor skills in fourth-grade primary school students in Vranje and differences in these between boys and girls. The anthropometric characteristics included in the measurements were body height (Tv) and body weight (Tt), while the motor skills measured were the explosive leg power, explosive torso and shoulder power, speed, static (isometric) arm and shoulder strength, and flexibility (mobility).Body height was measured by a height meter, body weight by a weight scale, explosive leg power by a standing long jump (Sudm), explosive torso and shoulder power was measured by throwing a 2 kg medicine ball (Bm), speed was measured by a 30 m run from a high start (Tvs), static (isometric) arm and shoulder strength with pull-up endurance up to 120 seconds (Iuz) and flexibility (mobility) with standing hamstring stretch (Dpk). This research included 500 participants, fourth-grade primary school students in Vranje, both boys and girls. Statistical analysis provided us with descriptive data as well as with the differences between boys and girls in anthropometric and motor skill variables which were calculated using the t-test. The research results tell us that all the statistically significant differences are in favour of the boys. The same results that this research has provided can serve as a basis for further diagnostics efforts and  planning of physical education lessons. These findings have also shown us that it is necessary to identify reliable measuring instruments for monitoring and tracking the state and changes in the anthropometric characteristics of younger school age children.



motor skills, students, primary school

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)