Viola Mounir, Ereny Gobrial

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This study aims to compare the development of special education practices for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in Egypt and England and gain an understanding of those factors that enhance or hinder special education in both countries. The study applies a comparative framework method. The findings provide a better understanding of special education practices and factors that enhanced or hindered the special education for ASD across the two countries. The findings reveal that special education practice in Egypt was hindered by low economic status, scarcity of cultural awareness, inadequate financial support, absence of education policy for ASD, and political orientation towards centralization. While, in England education policy, cultural awareness, economy, and scientific technology have been identified as important enhancing factors for special education. The study suggests some recommendations for developing special education for ASD in Egypt.


Autism spectrum disorders, Mothers, Special Education, Egypt, England

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE210601006M


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