Marko S. Milenković, Marko P. Janković

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The paper offers a review of the most significant papers dealing with the musical sentence, the underlying layers (fragmental structures) as well as with the supra-sentential level, i.e. the permeation of the characteristics of the musical sentence and the period. Relying on the consulted literature, the paper considers the attitudes of the musical theoreticians in the recent publications. Relying on comparative analysis with an emphasis on different approaches, the paper aims to highlight some opinions which can serve as a reliable foundation for the pedagogical practice in teaching courses on musical forms. Different approaches and methodological steps in the analysis of musical syntax unequivocally indicate the complexity of the phenomenon of the musical sentence. This means that in the process of studying the musical form, it is important to offer different theoretical standpoints, as well as numerous examples from the literature. Such an approach definitely opens wider perspectives, not only for understanding the definitions of the musical sentence, but also for its appearance in a variety of styles and genres.


Mozart, harmonic language, chord, tonality, modulation, humour

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUVAM2102107M


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