ivana Stojanović Prelević, Zaaresh Zehra

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The usage of artificial intelligence is one of the main characteristics of contemporary society. Deepfake is one among other forms of AI that uses artificial intelligence called deep learning to make images of fake events. This technology is not just about videos it is about photos and audio, too.  It could be applied in different areas such as education, health care, art, commercials, film, propaganda, etc. Authors are interested in deep fakes used in the art and entertainment industry and their effects on audiences and aesthetics. The paper aims to show some characteristics of the aesthetics of deepfake in the context of the contemporary art and entertainment industry. By focusing on the aesthetics of contemporary society, we try to make an aesthetics analysis of deepfakes (Case study 1‒ Wearing Gillian, Gillian Wearing, 2018, Case study 2 ‒ Dali Lives, The Salvador Dali Museum, 2019) to show that contemporary art is more intimate with audience, thanks to usage of AI; also engagement of people is bigger than in traditional art. The conclusion is that contemporary art remains in the entertainment industry. It looks popular and closer to an audience; also, these spheres have a common and main aesthetic value- entertainment. 


deep fake, artworks, aesthetics, entertainment, audience

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Online ISSN: 2466-2895