Mirsada Zećo, Marina Videnović, Maja Žmukić

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The authors were engaged in creating activities for workshops in which sound improvisation was combined with artistic expression and introduced to a student-level classroom. The aim of this research is two-fold. The first aim was to examine how students experienced this type of work through workshops. The second was the analysis of students’ drawings following the sound improvisation performance. The workshops were attended by 135 students, aged 19 to 24, from three different faculties. The main research question was if art content can, through sound improvisation and image, significantly awaken positive emotions in students by means of two different mediums. Internalising and developing a positive self-image in students show that there is a correlation between the content of music and art, as well as their influence on the intensity of aesthetic experience. The results showed that the students felt relaxed during the workshop and that they were willing to once again participate in a similar activity. Additionally, the drawings they produced during the workshop were analysed. As a conclusion, it is desirable to integrate content in music and art classes as its aim is to intensify experience, process of development and creation of a safe and positive learning environment. This explorative research showed that it is essential to work on developing experiences of social and emotional content through sound and image, as well as mutual connection strategies of learning and emotionally-aesthetic expression. Key words: sound improvisation, drawing, artistic speech, intensity of feelings


sound improvisation, drawing, artistic speech, intensity of feelings

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895