Sanja Janković, Danica Stanković

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Most certainly, architectural objectives are the basis of the physical structure of a city, yet they are distinct morphological and typological units, they are free spaces with exceptional values and characteristics. Buildings that form the spaces of cities often change, build and disintegrate, but the permanent motive of the city space remains - an empty, unfinished part, as a constant sign of history. On the hierarchical scale of the urban environment, important elements are ephemeral structures, permanent or temporary. A possibility for empty space to be revived is the installation of artistic or ephemeral utilitarian structures. This paper presents the role of such micro-urban interventions that enrich the public space and contribute to its revitalization. Ephemeral architecture is especially suitable as a space for the presentation of artistic ideas and for incorporating new technological contents. The aim of the paper is to highlight a view about the importance of ephemeral structures by analyzing and studying the case studies. Special emphasis is placed on examples of completed projects of the pavilions of unique forms and the use of ship containers as a space for introducing artistic ideas. The main contribution of this paper should be a proposal of using ephemeral structures in urban space revival by promoting art and establishing a social contact.


Ephemeral architecture, Micro-urban intervention, Installations, Pavilions, Art

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUVAM1902163J


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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895