Anka Mihajlov Prokopović, Marija Vujović

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This paper discusses the role of music and the radio, starting from the hypothesis that the main role that music has today on radio programs in Serbia is related to the realization of the program concept of a radio station. The choice of music during the all-day program of a radio station clearly speaks about the musical identity of the radio station. It differs from radio station to radio station, and the biggest difference can be noticed when analyzing the music programs of three different types of radio stations. They are public radio stations such as Radio Belgrade, with four channels, commercial radio stations, which have the most of the channels, and alternative radio stations, such as Radio Apparatus. It should be added that in the media system of Serbia since 2008, there are also religious media stations whose music program is aligned with the concept of religious radio. The mission of the public radio services also includes the choice and quality of the music program of the radio station, similar to the normative high standards of other programs – informative, cultural, scientific,educational, children’s and entertainment. This paper considers that in addition to its important role that music has on the radio, in practice there are other roles that have different levels of importance. These are: the role of music in filling in the gaps in broadcasting (as a break), the role of music in illustrating a certain topic in a show, and music is the main topic of a show or some other journalistic genre forms. In addition to broadcasting music, there is also debate about music on the radio. The conclusion is that all these roles of music can be found on public radio stations, and in a reduced number and volume on commercial, alternative and religious radio stations.


music program, radio, public media service, Radio Belgrade, commercial radio, alternative radio

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Print ISSN: 2466-2887
Online ISSN: 2466-2895