Marijola Božović, Emina Mihajlović, Snežana Živković, Martina Petković, Biljana Nikolić

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The job of a firefighter/rescuer is characterized by exposure to all types of mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological threats to life and health, and it is often performed in uncontrolled work conditions, which also involve stress. Their long-term effects on firefighters’ health and ability to work are constantly emphasized, which is why the awareness of exacerbating circumstances, i.e. the factors contributing to risks and injuries, is an essential prerequisite for an efficient assessment of hazards and prevention of accidents and injuries. This paper discusses the results of a study on the factors influencing the outcome of a fire and rescue intervention, specifically the incidence of injuries among firefighters/rescuers. The examination of the influence of such factors will be used for a more precise risk identification, a more reliable risk assessment, a better understanding of “accident mechanism”, and for more comprehensive database creation, which would improve the occupational risk management system for firefighters/rescuers.


firefighter/rescuer, fire and rescue intervention, risk, multi-risk, hazards, occupational injury

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