The Facta Universitatis, Series: Architecture and Civil Engineering (FU Arch Civ Eng) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by the University of Niš (Republic of Serbia). We publish high quality, refereed papers three times a year. Papers reporting original research or extended versions of the already published conference/journal papers are all welcome. Papers for publication are selected through peer reviewing to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Zoran Bonić
In order to create/register an account for submitting a paper, first time authors are to contact the Computer Support at stating your first name, last name, affiliation with the link, and your email. We will then send you back an email with your login parameters. Once you receive your parameters from us you will then be able to log in and begin article submission.

Aims and Scope: The principal aim of the journal is to bring together the latest research and development in various fields of Architecture and Civil Engineering. We would like to higlight that papers should refer to Focus and Scope, but they are not limited to.
Rapid publication: Online submission system, electronic peer review and production make the process of publishing your article very simple and efficient. Usually, it takes less than 3 months from the moment of your submission to a response generated by the reviewing system. If your paper is accepted, we will try to publish it in the upcoming issue.
General Journal guidelines for authors:
FU Arch Civ Eng publishes research articles, reviews, case studies. Thematic/special issues include an editorial.
Research articles must contain an adequate overview of the representative work in the field including up-to-date references, clear statement of the novelty in the presented research, suitable theoretical background, one or more case studies to demonstrate and discuss the presented ideas and, finally, conclusions. Authors are requested to follow the Arch Civ Eng guidelines in preparing their manuscripts as well as use the article template that is available here.
If the authors provide a previously published conference submission, Editors will check the submission to determine whether there has been sufficient new material added to warrant publication in the Journal. The Arch Civ Eng require such submissions to contain a significant amount of new material, that is, material that has not been published elsewhere. New results are desired but not necessarily required; however, the submission should contain expansions of key ideas, examples, elaborations, etc. of the conference submission. The paper submitted to the journal should differ from the previously published material by at least 40 percent.
The ONLINE FIRST section of FU Arch Civ Eng lists the papers accepted for publication and copy edited but not yet assigned to an issue.
Reviewers - We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the reviewers who reviewed papers for Facta Universitatis Series Architecture and Civil Engineering in 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020.
Vol. 22, No 3, 2024
Full Issue
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Table of Contents
Charalampos Skoulikaris, Eleni Tzanou
Slobodan Ranković, Radomir Folić, Marina Mijalković, Žarko Petrović
Peter Nikolov
Andjela Posavec, Budimir Sudimac, Miomir Vasov, Kevin Warmbold, Georg Klaus
Sladjana Markovic, Irina Miodragovic Vella, Ludger Hovestadt
Ivana Nikolić, Stefan Kovačević, Milena Krklješ, Saja Kosanović, Marija Stamenković, Alenka Fikfak, Janez P. Grom
Nikolay Milev
Vladimir Petrović, Vladica Krstić, Mirko Borisov, Aleksadar Ilić, Aleksandar Dobrisavljević