Katarina Andjelkovic

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This paper presents the findings, conclusions and results of my PhD research entitled, "The spatial context of the cinematic aspect of architecture". The purpose of this paper is to present the possibilities of adopting the cinematic qualities of architecture as an approach to tracing current modifications in contemporary architectural discourse in relation to the paradigmatic change of perception of urban space towards a movement perspective. The design process tradition, which comprises a standard series of procedural exercises aided by new technology, is in contrast to the experimental architectural research of the last decade that has clearly demonstrated the tendency to enrich the limited traditional approach in order to extend human vision beyond what is perceivable. Accordingly, I propose that we can test the cinematic aspect of architecture, first having harmonized the relationship between architecture and film through their common methodological and didactic approaches. To verify the cinematic aspect of architecture in theory, practice and education, and to maintain the level of creativity present in design practice, I initiated a reassessment of current design practice and proposed alternative architectural design strategies. 

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559