Branislava Stoiljkovic, Natasa Petkovic-Grozdanovic, Goran Jovanovic

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Although single-family housing in the city is considered higher quality and preferred type of housing, housing crisis, as a permanent actual problem in the world, requires adequate solutions. In this sense, housing in multi-family housing buildings can be considered as a necessity (social, moral, economic, etc.), but in fact, now and in the future, it is the main form of housing construction which can give the solution for housing problems. However, to make this housing type more attractive and acceptable to the occupants, it is necessary to improve it by the implementation of individualization modalities, and in that way make its qualities much closer to the preferred single-family housing.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559