Tijana Vojnović Ćalić, Dragica Jevtić, Aleksandra Krstić-Furundžić

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The contemporary 4R concept of waste management, in accordance with the globally spread trend of sustainability, promotes: reducing the amount of waste at the source, reusing of elements and their parts, recycling in order to produce raw material and recovering of the embodied energy. Discarded bricks from building demolition sites considered in this research could be reused, but also crushed in appropriate facilities and employed as aggregate in various cement composites. This paper investigates the possibility of using such recycled crushed clay brick material as aggregate in a prefabricated composite façade panel with the face of stone, which can be used in a ventilated façade system. It describes the production process of a pilot element, and further suggests the details of the façade cladding technology concerning the proposed element, i.e. its production technology options, as well as transport and installation technologies. The paper further displays various design possibilities of the panel closely related to the production technology options, as well as observed aspects of sustainability and cost effectiveness relevant to the application of the proposed façade panel. The research contributes to the contemporary course of sustainability within the construction industry by proposing an example of forming a new prefabricated building element using recycled building demolition waste material.


recycling, reuse, sustainability, composite façade panel, prefabrication, cladding technology

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559