Ljiljana Dane Vukajlov, Aleksandra Milinković, Dijana Brkljač, Olivera Dobrivojević

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With the development of information technologies and weakening of the economic power of citizens in the Republic of Serbia, interest in classical theater has decreased. As a result of their reduced activity, theater facilities are gradually deteriorating, and some are being adapted while others are being closed. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the quality of significant urban parameters, to observe the possibilities for improvement of the functioning of theaters, and to propose concrete measures for revitalization of their surroundings. The efficiency and validity of a defined research methodology were tested on three representative examples, the Serbian National Theater, the Youth Theater, and the Novi Sad Theater, located in Novi Sad in Serbia. Upon recognition of the current state of the spatial, physical, functional and ecological conditions of the areas surrounding the representative theaters, the current problems were recorded, and measures are proposed that would be necessary for the theaters’ revitalization.


quality of theater location, theater location evaluation model, urban parameters, theaters’ revitalization, theaters in Novi Sad

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559