Marija Ilic, Nikola Cekic

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Abstract. The location of the facility greatly influences its attractiveness to the residents, as well as its commerce, accommodation and service fees, and reasonability of services at the wider location, i.e. the rentability of investment. The location and urban parameters influence the form of the facility: vertical development is limited by the location, whereas horizontal development is characteristic of the facilities located in rural areas and the suburbs. Conclusively, it is obvious that the analysis of the parcel and determining the optimal location is of crucial importance. Apart from the general factors influencing the choice of the optimal location, there exist certain specific location parameters relevant to the urban, suburban and rural context. The city municipality is supposed to take responsibility, or have the greatest impact on the choice of location of the elderly care facility. The optimal number of residential units – the capacity of the facility – is determined by the choice of location with a reasonable spatial coverage, and amenities servicing the elderly on a wider location. In this way, the capacity of the facility is integrated into the spatial planning, while the interests of the investors are being harmonized with the interests of the community.

Key words : optimal location, elderly care facility, urban context, location analysis.


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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559