Toni Yuri Prastowo, Humiras Hardi Purba

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Railway construction either underground or in an open area or under a bridge carries work risks. The same in the process of design, implementation or maintenance. We chose this article because it is interesting for everyone to know all the risks that occur. These risks can hinder the activities of both planning, implementation or maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to identify all the risks of railway work and to minimize the risks that occur in subsequent work. Risk identification is carried out through the study of international journal literature by taking data from 30 journals from 100 related journals. Risk analysis based on literature view is divided into Internal and External Factors. Internal Factors: (1). Technical and (2) Non-technical, External Factors (1). Technical, (2) Non-technical and (3) Legality. From the results of the pareto chart and pie diagram analysis it can be concluded that Internal Technical Factors are the most involved in the identification of this risk.


Railway, risk management, construction, technical, non technical, risk

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