Author Guidelines
By submitting a manuscript, authors warrant that their contribution to the Journal is their original work, that it has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out.
Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the experimental results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public.
Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Authors must make sure that only the contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors and, conversely, that all contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors.
We are unable to process files sent by E-mail. It is mandatory to submit your original work using our online manuscript submission system (Open Journal Systems), via the Journal's home page:
First, you have to register as the author.
In order to create/register an account for submitting a paper, first time authors are to contact the Computer Support at stating your first name, last name, affiliation with the link, and your email. We will then send you back an email with your login parameters. Once you receive your parameters from us you will then be able to log in and begin article submission.
You have to make "New Submission", and then follow the procedure in 5 determined steps.
In step 2 upload your paper by using the online interface.
It is mandatory to enter all the needed metadata in the step 3, including the basic data on the author and all the co-authors of the paper.
In the step 4, as supplementary files, you have to upload filled-in, signed and scanned Author's Statements and Copyright Transfer Agreement (in the .pdf format) and eventualy the supplementary material.
The Author Statements may be downloaded here: statements.doc.
The Copyright Transfer Agreement may be downloaded here:
All subsequent versions should be uploaded by using the same paper ID and your defined password. We will do the final formatting and all necessary format conversions of your paper.
Manuscripts are pre-evaluated at the Editorial Office in order to check whether they meet the basic publishing requirements and quality standards. They are also screened for plagiarism.
Only those contributions which conform to the following instructions can be accepted for peer-review. Otherwise, the manuscripts shall be returned to the authors with observations, comments and annotations.
Manuscript Preparation - Template and Guidelines for Authors
Authors must strictly follow the instructions for authors.
Paper submitted for publication may be written in English. The manuscript should be written in MS Word for Windows format (formats .docx or .doc). Template for preparing the manuscript are available here:
Article manuscripts submitted for Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and Organization should be maximum 40000 characters (with spaces) in length, including references. The length of the book reviews should be 3000-5000 characters (with spaces).
Parts of the manuscript are: Title page, Abstract, Key words, JEL Classification, Text of manuscript; Acknowledgements (to the authors’ desire), References, Appendixes. Authors who are familiar with Serbian language should provide Manuscript title, Abstract and Key words in Serbian at the end of the paper (before Appendixes).
On the title page, the manuscript should contain manuscript title, full name(s) of author(s) and affiliations (when the paper has more than one author, their names and affiliations should be marked using superscript Arabic numerals). Official and e-mail addresses and phone number of the corresponding author should be provided in the footnote of the first page. Abstract and keywords should be placed before the main text of manuscript. Acknowledgments shall be provided at the end of the article before the references. Tables and Figures should be placed at logical points in the text (i.e. not all at the end).
Manuscript title should be informative, relevant, and concise.
Abstract, not exceeding 1500 characters (with spaces), should contain a short review of the method and the most important results of work, so that its original text can be used in referential periodicals and databases. Do not include citations in the Abstract.
Keywords should be relevant to the topic and the content of the paper. An accurate list of keywords will ensure correct indexing of the paper in referential periodicals and databases.
JEL Classification - Authors are requested to supply JEL (Journal of Economic Literature) Classifications. For more information, please see:
Units of Measure/ Abbreviations - The metric system is preferred for expressing units of measure. Abbreviations may be used for terms. The full term for each abbreviation should appear at its first use in the text, unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measure.
Equations should be typewritten using MathType add-on ( For equations in your paper (Insert | Object | Create New | or MathType Equation), and, with the number, placed in parentheses at the right margin. Reference to equations should use the form "Eq. (2)" or simply (2). Each formula should occupy one line.
Tables should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals and must be cited in the main text in numerical order. Each table should have an appropriate title at its head. Tables should be in Word format and placed in the main text where the table is first cited. Regarding the formatting, all tables must contain horizontal borders separating the header, body and conclusion, and must be open laterally. Do not use shading in tables. Tables in Excel should be copied and pasted into the manuscript Word file. Abbreviations used in a table must be explained below the table. Maximal table width is 12,75 cm.
Figures - All figures (Photos, drawings, graphs and other illustrations) should be numbered with consecutive Arabic numbers, should have descriptive captions, be mentioned in the text, and placed in the main text where the figure is first cited. Figures should be planned in advance, so as to allow reduction to12.75 cm in column width and should be of good quality, minimum resolution 300 dpi. The acceptable image formats are TIFF and JPEG. Graphs generated in MS Excel or similar programs must be converted in an acceptable image format. Line drawings should be prepared in electronic form, but the use of text boxes and shapes as elements from MS Office, not converted in an acceptable image format, are not allowed.
Acknowledgements should be included in a separate section at the end of the main text of manuscript - before the references.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited references and these should be checked before the manuscript is submitted.
Citing in the text:
The APA style citation and referencing is applied in the journal (according to the instructions that can be downloaded from the link
Citations in the text should be given in brackets, stating the author's surname, year of publication and, possibly, pages, if it is a direct quote):
- in the case of summary or paraphrase, references should appear in brackets with the author's name, followed by the year (Haller, 2015), or (Smith & White, 2001) or in the case of multiple authors (Beckman et al., 2007);
- if the author is not known, give the title of the work and the year (Climate Change, 2009);
- if the same author has published more than two papers at the same year, then the papers are alphabetically separated, i.e. (Hall, 1990a; 1990b);
- in the case of quotation, add the page number, i.e. (Smith, 2001, p. 10);
if the reference is within the body of the clause, give the author’s name and only the year of the paper in brackets, i.e. In Smith (2001) it is proposed …
Preparing the reference list:
Only papers published or in press should be included in the reference list. Personal communications or unpublished data must be cited in parentheses in the text with the name(s) of the source(s) and the year. Authors should request permission from the source to cite unpublished data.
Reference style:
The Journal uses Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - APA referencing style.
The list of references should be formatted so that the second row in each entry is indented (Paragraph Indentation, Special - choose Hanging, by 0.5cm).
Wherever possible, provide the DOI number, too, in addition to other reference data.
Please, check the examples:
Book with the named authors:
Model: Surname, name initial (s). (year of publication). Book title. Place of publication: Name of publisher.
O'Hara, M. (2004). Market microstructure theory. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers.
Hair, F. J., Bush, P.B., & Ortinau, D. J. (2006). Marketing research. 3rd edition, New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc.
Book (publication) in which the institution is listed as an author:
Model: Institution (year). Title. Place of publication: Name of publisher.
OECD (2013). OECD Economic Surveys: China 2013. Paris: OECD Publishing.
Proceedings with the named editors:
Model: Surname, initials. (Eds.) (year). Book title. Place of publication: Name of publisher.
Bisignano, J. & Hunter, W. (Eds.) (2000). Global financial crises: Lessons from recent events. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Paper (section) in the proceedings or other collective publication:
Model: Surname, initials. (year). Section title. In:Surname and initial of the editor (Ed.), Title of the publication (pages). Place of publication: Name of publisher. If the publication has two or more editors, instead of (Ed.) state (Eds.).
McKinnon, R. (2000). Limiting moral hazard and reducing risk in international capital flows: The choice of an exchange rate regime. In: Bisignano, J. & Hunter, W. (Eds.), Global financial crises: Lessons from recent events (pp. 159-176). Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Paper in the journal by one author:
Model: Surname, initials of all authors. (year). Paper title. Journal title, volume number (number of issue), pages.
Bonabeo, E. (2004). The Perils of the Imitation Age. Harvard Business Review, 82 (6), 45-54.
Frenkel, J. & A. Levich, R. M. (1975). Covered interest arbitrage: Unexploited profits? Journal of Political Economy, 83 (2), 325-338.
Shaw, D. S., Hogg, G., Wilson, E., Shiu, E. & Hassan, L. (2006). Fashion Victim: The Impact of Fair Trade Concerns on Clothing Choice. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14 (4), 427-440.
Paper still unpublished in the journal (e.g. in press):
Model: Surname, initials. (forthcoming) Paper title. Journal title.
Marinković, S. & Radović, O. (forthcoming). Bank net interest margin related to risk, ownership and size: An exploratory study of the Serbian banking industry. Economic Research.
Working papers / documents for discussion:
Model: Surname, initials (year). Work title (working paper title, no.). place of publication: Name of publisher.
Muzio. D, Kirkpatrick, I. & Kipping, M. (2010). Professionalism without Professions: The Case of Management Consultancy in the UK (CERIC Working Paper, 8), Leeds: Leeds University Businsess School.
Note: Please note the difference between these and the documents available on the Internet. Working papers i.e. documents for discussion need not be exclusively available on the Internet, nor even available online. These are periodic publication of certain institutions usually numbered in order.
PhD Thesis
Model: Surname, name initial (s). (year of publication). Dissertation’s title. Ph.D. Thesis. University.
Holyoak, B. (2006). Matrix Analysis in Predicting Economic Time Series. Ph.D. Thesis. Bournemouth University.
Article in the newspaper with the named author:
Model: Surname, initials (year). Article title. Newspaper title, date.
Krugman, P. (2011). Killing the Euro. The New York Times, 1 December.
Newspaper article without named author:
Model: Article title (year). Newspaper title, date.
Siemens to pay € 170m to Greece over alleged bribery of officials (2012). Financial Times, 9 March.
Document or database from the Internet, private or official website:
Model: Surname, initials (year). Work title, Retrieved from: internet source, Accessed on: Date of access.
Choibamroong, Т. (2010), Knowledge of Tourism Behavior: A Key Success Factor for Managers in Tourism Business, Retrieved from:, Accessed on: 16 April 2016.
Foreign Language Sources - Latin-based scripts
Note: Publication title or paper in other languages should be left in the original language.
If original reference is not in English, the English translation of the title must be placed in square parenthesis after the original title of the source.
Example 1:
Schmidt, G., Allouche, J., Bardelli, P. & Beaujolin-Bellet, R. (2012). Restructurations d'enterprises [Restructuring of Enterprises]. Revue française de gestion, 38 (220), 73-74.
Foreign Language Sources - Non-Latin Scripts
Source: Book
Titles and names written in non-Latin scripts (Chinese, Arabic, Greek, Jpanese Russian, etc.) must be transliterated i.e., romanized – converted into an equivalent name using Latin alphabet before translating and citing.
Titles should be transliterated and translated into English.
Names should be transliterated (not translated) and arranged in "Western" order, e.g., ordered by surname in reference list.
Example 2:
Najm, Y. (1966). Al-qissah fi al-adab Al-Arabi al-hadith [The novel in modern Arabic literature]. Beirut: Dar Al-Thaqafah.
Source: Paper in the journal
Example 3:
(if the source is in Korean – article in a journal):
Park, T. S., & Oh, C. (2015). 영어에의 자연노출이 한국인 학습자의화용적 인식과 문법적 인식에 미치는 영향 [The effect of natural exposure to English on Korean learners` pragmatic and grammatical awareness]. 언어연구 [Journal of Studies in Language], 31(3), 663-682.
Park, T. S., & Oh, C. (2015). Yeongeoeui jayeonnochuri hangugin hakseupjaui hwayongjeong insikgwa munbeopjeong insige michineun yeonghyang [The effect of natural exposure to English on Korean learners` pragmatic and grammatical awareness]. Eoneo Yeongu [Journal of Studies in Language], 31(3), 663-682.
Indirect sources:
Note: This type of citation is acceptable only if the author is not able to operate under normal perseverance to get to the primary sources. If this is the case, always specify a primary source first, followed by the indirect source placed in parentheses.
Israel, G. & Ingrao, B. (1990). The invisible hand. Cambridge: MIT Press. (Quoted in: Minsky, P. H. (1995). Financial factors in the economics of capitalism. Journal of Financial Services Research, 9, 197-208).
The title and subtitle:
Note: For some books, rarely with papers in journals, appears the title followed by a subtitle. If justified, the subtitle may also be named separated from the title by a colon, even if such punctuation on the cover or title page is not used. The first word in the subtitle should always be written with a capital letter.
Harris, L. (2003). Trading and Exchanges: Market microstructure for practitioners, Oxford: Oxford University Press.