At present, against the backdrop of military conflicts taking place in different parts of the world, security has become one of the main concerns and demands of citizens, both on a personal level and in the public sphere. As one of these armed conflicts is currently underway in the vicinity of Romania, there is an intense need to strengthen state security, safety and the role of state authorities. At the international level, the interest in security refers not only to armed conflicts but also to the devastating events such as mass movements of migrants and refugees, famines, pandemics, drugs, organized crime and terrorism. In this context, the role of public authorities in Romania is essential and the activity of the police within the administrative authorities is vital.
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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN General Assembly, Paris, 10 December 1948;;
The Constitution of Romania (1991, rev. 2003);
Law no. 218/2002 on the Organization and Operation of the Romanian Police (LEGE nr. 218 din 23 aprilie 2002 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Poliţiei Român), subsequently ammended;
Legea 360/2002 privind Statutul politiei (Law 360/2002 on the Statute of the Police), Monitorul Oficial nr. 440 din 24 iunie 2002;
Legea nr. 61/1991 pentru sancționarea faptelor de încălcare a unor norme de conviețuire socială, ordine publică și liniște (Law no. 61/1991 on the sanctioning of acts of violation of some norms of social coexistence, public order and tranquility) Monitorul Oficial nr. 125, 18 februarie 2020.
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Ordonanţa de urgenţă nr. 84/2024 pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative în scopul creşterii siguranţei rutiere (Emergency ordinance no. 84/2024 for the modification and completion of some normative acts in order to increase road safety), Monitorul Oficial, nr. 610, 29 iunie 2024;
Online Resources
DIICOT (2024). The Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism,
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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)