Alfred Benny Auner

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In its judgment Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others, the ECtHR created a positive obligation for Contracting States under Article 8 ECHR to protect individuals from the serious adverse effects of climate change. In order to prevent universal public access to the ECtHR (actio popularis), which has only a subsidiary role in the protection of fundamental rights, the Court developed new criteria for the legal standing and the victim status of applicants, and came to a peculiar conclusion: while associations are generally granted legal standing and can act before the ECtHR, their individual members are largely denied the victim status and, therefore, cannot bring an application before the Court (Article 34 ECHR). In this article, the author will critically analyse the criteria and findings of the Court on legal standing and victim status in light of the Convention and the settled case law.


Aarhus Convention, access to justice, admissibility, climate change, European Convention on Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights, locus standi, victim status.

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Case Law

Case Appl. 5856/72 Tyrer v. the United Kingdom, ECtHR judgment of 25 April 1978

Case Appl. 6833/74 Marckx v. Belgium, ECtHR judgment of 13 June 1979

Case Appl. 7601/76, 7806/77, 7806/77 Young, James & Webster v. the United Kingdom, CoE Commission’s Report of 14 December 1979

Case Appl. 14038/88 Soering v. the United Kingdom, ECtHR judgment of 7 July 1989

Case Appl. 16798/90 López Ostra v. Spain, ECtHR judgment of 9 December 1994

Case Appl. 17550/90, 17825/91 Vijayanathan and Pusparajah v. France, ECtHR judgment of 27 August 1992

Case Appl. 25088/94, 28331/95, 28443/95 Chassagnou and Others v. France, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 29 April 1999

Case Appl. 46117/99 Taşkın and Others v. Turkey, ECtHR judgment of 10 November 2004

Case Appl. 48939/99 Öneryıldız v. Turkey, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 30 November 2024

Case Appl. 2113/04 Schneider v. Luxembourg, ECtHR judgment of 10 July 2007

Case Appl. 25965/04 Rantsev v. Cyprus and Russia, ECtHR judgment of 7 January 2010

Case Appl. 34932/04 Paksas v. Lithuania, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 6 January 2011

Case Appl. 47143/06 Roman Zakharov v. Russia, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 4 December 2015

Case Appl. 47848/08 Centre for Legal Resources on behalf of Valentin Câmpeanu v. Romania, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 17 July 2014

Case Appl. 29381/09, 32684/09 Vallianatos and Others v. Greece, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 7 November 2013

Case Appl. 32631/09, 53799/12 Magnitskiy and Others v. Russia, ECtHR judgment of 27 August 2019

Case Appl. 18030/11 Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 8 November 2016

Case Appl. 54414/13, 54264/15 Cordella v. Italy, ECtHR judgment of 24 January 2019

Case Appl. 37857/14 Yusufeli İlçesini Güzelleştirme Yaşatma Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Derneği v. Turkey, ECtHR decision of 7 December 2021

Case Appl. 22457/16 X and Others v. Bulgaria, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 2 February 2021

Case Appl. 22597/16 R.B. v. Estonia, ECtHR judgment of 22 June 2021

Case Appl. 56581/00 Sejdovic v. Italy, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 1 March 2006

Case Appl. 56672/00 Senator Lines GmbH v. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, ECtHR (GC) decision of 10 March 2004

Case Appl. 62543/00 Gorraiz Lizarraga and Others v. Spain, ECtHR judgment of 27 April 2004

Case Appl. 67021/01 Tătar v. Romania, ECtHR judgment of 27 November 2009

Case Appl. 6422/02 Segi and Gestoras Pro-Amnistía and Others v. 15 States of the European Union, ECtHR decision of 23 May 2002

Case Appl. 64220/19 Föderation der Aleviten Gemeinden in Österreich v. Austria, ECtHR judgment of 5 March 2024

Case Appl. 10103/20 Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska v. Poland, ECtHR judgment of 21 March 2024

Case Appl. 39371/20 Duarte Agostinho and Others v. Portugal and 32 Others, ECtHR (GC) judgment 9 April 2024

Case Appl. 53600/20 Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, ECtHR (GC) judgment of 9 April 2024

Case Appl. 53600/20 Verein KlimaSeniorinnen Schweiz and Others v. Switzerland, Dissenting Opinion of Judge Eicke

Case Appl. 7189/21 Carême v. France, ECtHR (GC) decision of 9 April 2024

Case Appl. 18859/21 Müllner v. Austria, ECtHR pending case

Case Appl. 2/13 to the Court of Justice of the EU, CJEU Opinion 2/13 of 18 December 2014

Case C-25/62, Plaumann v. Commission of the EEC, CJEU judgment of 15 July 1963

Case C-240/09, Lesoochranárske zoskupenie VLK, CJEU judgment of 8 March 2011

Case C-664/15, Protect Natur-, Arten- und Landschaftschutz Umweltorganisation, CJEU judgment of 20 Decenber 2017

Case C-197/18, Wasserleitungsverband Nördliches Burgenland and Others, CJEU judgment of 3 October 2019

Case C-565/19 P, Carvalho and Others v. Parliament and Council, CJEU judgment of 25 March 2021

Case V 87/2014, Austrian Constitutional Court decision of 14 December 2016

Case V 134/2015, Austrian Constitutional Court decision of 14 December 2016

Case Appl.1 BvR 2656/18 Neubauer and Others v. Germany, German Federal Constitutional Court Order of 24 March 2021.



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