Nebojša Ranđelović

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The Treaty of San Stefano brought peace after the Russian-Turkish and the second Serbo-Turkish wars. Russian interests prevailed in this treaty, creating Greater Bulgaria as a Russian interest sphere, among other things. This state of things did not bode well with European powers, which found the possibility of regulating the new state ofEurope in convening the Congress of Berlin and revising the Treaty of San Stefano. At the Congress,Serbia, still a vassal country de jure, could not participate, so it defended its interests by a whole spectre of diplomatic activities, on the margins of the Congress and in the capitals of the powers that had the power to decide at the Congress.Serbia did not attain the maximum of its interests, but what it did attain was much more than what the Treaty of San Stefano offered.

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Ž. Brtulović, N. Ranđelović, The Basics of Constitutional History of Yugoslav People, Niš 2012.

Balkan Treaty Relations 1876-1996, tome 1, Belgrade 1998, 88-90.

Hvostov, V. M, Minz, I. I, The History of Diplomacy, book two, Belgrade 1949, page 49.

Balkan Treaty Relations 1876-1996, tome 1, Belgrade 1998, 88-90.

The letter from Ignatyev to Gorchakov from San Stefano from 18th February 1878; Serbia 1878, documents, Belgrade

Balkan Treaty Relations 1876-1996, tome 1, Belgrade 1998, 104.

The Interview, as transcribed in „Srpske Novine“ issue 141 from 27th June 1878.

The protocols of the Congress of Berlin; „Srpske Novine“ issue 158 from 18th July 1878.

The Memorandum of Jovan Ristić; „Srpske Novine“ issue 154 from 13th July 1878.

The record of the session of the Congress of Berlin from 28th June; Serbia 1878, documents, 468.

Serbia 1878, documents, 43, 72, 112, 125, 192.

Mr. Jovan Ristić's, the foreign minister's, speech, held on 13th July 1878 in a secret session of the National Assembly about the Treaty of Berlin.

V. M. Hvostov, I. I. Minz, The History of Diplomacy, book two, Belgrade 1949, page 51.

The record of the Congress of Berlin session from 28th June; Serbia 1878, documents, Belgrade 1978, 468.

Mr. Jovan Ristić's, the foreign minister's, speech, held on 13th July 1878 in a secret session of the National Assembly about the Treaty of Berlin.

The record of the session of the Congress of Berlin from 28th June; Serbia 1878, documents, 471.

The Treaty of Berlin; Serbia 1878, documents, 556-575.

Stenographic notes of National Assembly's sessions for 1877, 158.

Mr. Jovan Ristić's, the foreign minister's, speech, held on 13th July 1878 in a secret session of the National Assembly about the Treaty of Berlin.


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