Dušan Stanković

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Ecological perspective in criminology has been introduced with the cartographic school at the beginning of criminology science. Ecology theory of crime has been developed in the city of Chicago and it is followed by the routine activity theory, crime pattern theory, and rational choice theory. The impact of the ecological theory in research of crime is noticeable in today's studies too. Modern scientists, researchers, and practitioners are studying crime using the geographic information system, mapping crime, using statistical and geostatistical methods. With the aim to study spatial patterns of crime, empirical research of the poverty and violent criminal acts committed in the City of Nis, Republic of Serbia, during the years 2008, 2013 and 2018. All the cases are geocoded into spatial units that represent urban and suburban areas in Nis. A descriptive statistic is used to identify areas where crime happens the most. The application of Andersen’s Spatial Point Pattern Test is used to check the hypothesis that spatial crime pattern is stable over time. This hypothesis is not confirmed and it is found that crime move from the city core towards cities’ urban and suburban settlements. The results from the empirical research are of scientific and practical value. This kind of spatial analysis is one of the first in Serbia and Balkans, and the application of the Spatial Point Pattern Test is very first in this region. The results could be useful when creating security strategies and policies to prevent crime by the police, decision-makers, and others.


crime concentration, property crime, violent crime, Spatial Point Pattern Test (SPPT), urban and suburban areas, Niš, Serbia

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Online Sources:

Criminal code of the Republic of Serbia, retrieved on 01.04.2020, from

The official web address of the city of Nis:



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