Abdelouaheb Ardjouni, Ahcene Djoudi

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Let T be a time scale such that 0,t_{i},T∈T, i=1,2,…,n, and 0<t_{i}<t_{i+1}. Assume each t_{i} is dense. Using a fixed point theorem due to Krasnoselskii-Burton, we show that the nonlinear impulsive dynamic equation


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y^{Δ}(t)=-a(t)h(y^{σ}(t))+f(t,y(t)), t∈(0,T],
y(t_{i}⁺)=y(t_{i}⁻)+I(t_{i},y(t_{i})), i=1,2,…,n,
where y(t_{i}^{±})=lim_{t→t_{i}^{±}}y(t), and y^{Δ} is the Δ-derivative on T, has a solution.


Fixed point, large contraction, time scales, nonlinear impulsive dynamic equations.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUMI1801079A


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