Ivan S. Živković, Predrag S. Stanimirović

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A novel kind of a hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics for real-time matrix inversion has been recently proposed and investigated. Our goal is to compare the hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics on the one hand, and conventional explicit neural dynamics on the other hand. Simulation results show that the hybrid model can coincide better with systems in practice and has higher abilities in representing dynamic systems. More importantly, hybrid model can achieve superior convergence performance in comparison with the existing dynamic systems, specifically recently-proposed Zhang dynamics. This paper presents the Simulink model of a hybrid recursive neural implicit dynamics and gives a simulation and comparison to the existing Zhang dynamics for real-time matrix inversion. Simulation results confirm a superior convergence of the hybrid model compared to Zhang model.


Zhang neural network; gradient neural network; matrix inverse; convergence.


Zhang neural network; gradient neural network; matrix inverse; conver-

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