Nebojša S. Ignjatović, Natalija Vuković, Vesna Stokanović, Miodrag Djordjević, Goran Stevanović, Milica Nestorović, Marko Stojanović, Zoran Damnjanović, Jelena Živadinović

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Gastrocutaneous fistulae can occur spontaneously or in the postoperative period. Postoperative fistulae represent more than 90% of all intestinal fistulae and they are always related to some of the main complications of surgery of the alimentary tract. We report a case of GF following a major operative procedure treated at our hospital. We emphasize the diagnostic tools and treatment options for this surgical complication, which, if left unaddressed, could pose life-threatening risks. Conservative management of patients with gastrocutaneous fistula is a crucial period during which careful individual control of each patient's nutritional status and replacement of fluid and electrolyte losses through high-output fistula, as well as prevention of sepsis and exclusion of the stomach from the digestive passage, can result in reduced morbidity and mortality from this complex problem. The decision regarding the timing of surgical intervention must be aligned with achieving optimal results of conservative management, which is a winning approach combination.


gastrocutaneous fistula, gastrojejunostomy, enteral nutrition.

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