Goetz Egloff, Dragana Djordjevic

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Violence has its roots in many factors. Structured interventions for children can be useful when it comes to building emotional competencies. Self-regulation of negative emotions, impulse control, and empathy are important competencies to be achieved in order to prevent violence. The 'Faustlos' ('No Fists') program, which was designed to learn how to deal with emotions as well as to develop empathic dealings with one another, offers a wide variety of techniques and strategies for children. Furthermore, children are given a secure realm of learning and transfer in which no-one is excluded and stigmatization is avoided. With the additional involvement of parents, new modes of intra- and interpersonal conflict solutions in families can be developed. Its special relational approach makes the program convincing as a tool for childhood intervention. The development of pro-social emotions should be a base for the prevention of bullying and violence. Implementation in Serbia might be useful.


childhood, intervention, empathy, impulse control, coping

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