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Egloff G. Die Irrationalität durchdringen. Zwischen der Operationalisierung psychodynamischer Diagnostik, Lacan und Jaspers - zum psychodynamischen Verstehen in der Postmoderne [Permeating irrationality: on the operationalization of psychodynamic diagnostics, Lacan, and Jaspers – psychodynamic reasoning in postmodernity]. Deutsches Ärzteblatt PP 2012; 11(8):358-360.
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Egloff G, Djordjevic D, Cierpka M. Socio-emotional learning through Faustlos in Germany. In: Brekhman G, Sovilj M, Rakovic D (eds). Proceedings of the 1st Intl. Congress on Psychic Trauma PTPPPA. Belgrade, Life Activities Advancement Center/Institute for Experimental Phonetics and Speech Pathology 2015; 340-345.
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