Tatjana Perović, Ilija Aleksić, Zorica Blazej

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Maxillary hypoplasia is one of the forms of class III malocclusion. On average, 60%  class III malocclusions are characterized by maxillary underdevelopment in all three directions. Anomalies in position, size and the shape of facial bones, maxilla in particular, usually appear in childhood, become more pronounced in adolescence until the end of the growth period. The aim of the paper is to show the camouflage treatment of the patient in adolescence with maxillary hypoplasia. Using the RME method in the upper jaw, extraction in the lower jaw and fixed orthodontic devices in both jaws, a satisfactory result was achieved.


Maxillary hypoplasia, Camouflage therapy, Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME).

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