The phase of civilization evolution known as the era of globalization, as well as its precursor, the period of the bipolar world order, are now becoming part of history. The current system is being replaced by a world order whose contours have not yet been finally realized and are still vague. Nonetheless, the fundamental components of the post-global composition of the world are beginning to take shape. At the level of national and international relations, some of the most prominent trends include: economic egotism, a tendency toward autarkic practices, the revival of the “closed society” paradigm, the dramatic increase of religious nationalism, the reincarnation of alliance politics in the vein of the “warring kingdoms” period. The role of military power remains a crucial element in the transition from the global to the post-global system, both in terms of ideological perspectives and in the realm of real politics. The events of recent years underscore the growing significance of power elements in the instruments of politics and statesmen. Countries and their leaders are increasingly resorting to the use of military industrial capabilities to bolster their status in world politics or address political and territorial issues. It would not be an exaggeration to suggest that following the period of relative stability after the collapse of the USSR, the world is now entering a phase of upsurge in warfare and military clashes. In the current publication, the authors will endeavor to trace the trajectory of escalating armed violence, examining a series of military conflicts and their impact on the political and territorial configurations of the Eurasian geopolitical landscape. The authors are inclined to consider this problem within the framework of the evolving transition of the global community towards a novel paradigm of interrelations.
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