Marija Pejičić

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This paper explores the complex relationship between cultural norms and gender differences in emotionality, specifically regarding basic emotions. Examining the bio-psycho-social model, the review focuses on socialization practice and situational contexts converging to produce gendered patterns of emotionality. The review further analyzes the implications of gendered emotional schemas and scripts on human functioning. It is argued that while women are often perceived as more emotional, this perception is largely rooted in expressiveness rather than emotional experience. Further, the paper explores interpersonal dynamics, which might be related to these gendered norms, with women generally displaying greater emotional sensitivity and expressiveness, particularly in contexts that value emotional interdependence. This is contrasted with the cultural pressure on men to conform to traditional masculine ideals, which often discourages emotional expressiveness, particularly in public settings. The potential mental health implications of these gendered emotional patterns are also explored, suggesting that women’s greater emotional engagement and reliance on social support may enhance their well-being. The review concludes by underscoring the importance of continued research to further understand the causal links and underlying processes that contribute to these gender differences.


emotion, gender differences, cultural norms, gendered emotional patterns

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPSPH240823009P


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