Tarun Kumar Tyagi, Bhoodev Singh

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Cross–lagged panel analysis is found in the main stream of social, behavioral, medical, business and educational research. It is a form of quasi-experimental design used to determine whether the relationship between two variables is spurious i.e., due to a third variable and not due to causation. Cross–lagged panel analysis is a process used to determine which variable is the cause and which variable is the effect. It is an exploratory method of collecting information at two points in time i.e., time 1 and time 2, to clarify the causal relations between uncontrolled variables which could be tested more rigorously in an experimental setting. The Cross–lagged Panel Correlation (CLPC) is a low power test but better adapted than either multiple regression or factor analysis for answering many questions in longitudinal studies. It captures the dynamic relationship among the variables and allows the model to be controlled over time. This paper focuses on the 2w2v (two wave & two variable) design to describe a research method which can be used to explore the causal predominance relationship in the absence of a true experimental design, but only in a passive manner.

Key words: cross–lagged panel correlation, spurious correlation, synchronous correlation, autocorrelation, stationarity, synchronicity.


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