Miloš Đorđević, Slaviša Nedeljković

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In the year of the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Passarowitz (Treaty of Požarevac) (1718), this paper has the goal of providing so far unknown facts regarding commerce and the organization of customs service in what was the recently founded Austrian province, the Kingdom of Serbia. The distribution of income from customs duties was in the hands of the Chief customs authority of Belgrade. That income covered expenses of its operations and filled the coffers of the Administration. Working methods for customs officers were regulated by special bylaws of the emperor Charles (Karl) VI that specified the application of customs tariffs, procedures applied in charging customs duties, introduction of privileged positions for Oriental company, and the implementation of protection measures against the plague at the border with the Ottoman Empire.


Habsburg Monarchy, customs, commerce, Ottoman Empire, Belgrade administration

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ISSN 1820-8495 (Print)

ISSN 1820-8509 (Online)