Marija Đorđević, Marina Matejević

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Although it is considered that the independence of a child during adolescence is a crucial moment, it is very important to, in addition to the newly acquired individuality, preserve cohesiveness as a feature of a healthy family atmosphere. Cohesiveness is also one of the two main dimensions of patterns of family functioning. In observing a healthy atmosphere, we started from the assumption that family gathering routines and rituals play a significant role. This research was guided by a systemic approach to understanding the meaning and significance of family gathering routines and rituals. The aim of the research was to examine family gatherings and the functionality of the contemporary family with adolescents and to determine their relationship. The Family Cohesiveness and Adaptability Evaluation Scale, FACES IV (Olson, Gorall and Tiesel, 2006), as well as The Family Gathering Routines and Rituals Questionnaire, FGRRQ specifically designed for the purposes of this research were used as instruments. The research included 204 respondents - high school students and university students. The results showed that families with adolescents in Serbia are characterized by balanced patterns of family functioning, but gatherings are not largely present. Family gatherings are statistically significantly associated with balanced patterns of family functioning. A slightly weaker connection with patterns of family rigidity and enmeshment was also found. A negative association between family gatherings and patterns of disengagement and chaos indicates the importance of gatherings for family functionality. The correlations show that family gatherings contribute to a sense of connection, because in families where gatherings are not present sufficiently patterns of disengagement are more prominent, indicating a lack of togetherness, which is problematic for the educational function of the family.


Adolescents, family functioning, gatherings, rituals, routines

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