Anka Mihajlov Prokopović

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Abstract. This paper focuses on the issue of how the local media persist under the conditions of the modest media market in Serbia, especially those that protect the public interest and what they should expect since new media laws were adopted in August 2014. In this respect, the following questions will be asked: how the local public interest will be protected, what is the project co-financing of media and how will it be implemented? Will there be new buyers of the local media owned by the state or will they be extinguished? So far, some models of sustainable local media have been developed. One of the models is a partnership with the civil sector, the second working and conducting business on multiple media platforms, and the third, project financing from donors. On the other hand, the Law on Public Information and Media defines the withdrawal of the state from the media ownership until July 1 2015, and it is considered to what extent and how local governments will continue to allocate money for the media. Some early experiences are mentioned that may be examples of good practice when negotiating funds. Specifically, in the four municipalities of Vojvodina the representatives of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Vojvodina and the representatives of OSCE are talking with the representatives of the local authorities on action plans for information development.

Key words:   local media, media policy, public, media privatization, Serbia, the media market.

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