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Dragana Milićević, Ljiljana Pecić

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Teaching physics in primary and secondary schools is realized through classic lecturing in classes of about 30 students, individual examinations, written tests and assignments and laboratory exercises. Knowledge is transferred from teachers to students mostly in its final form, which is not motivating for students or their teachers to develop and construct knowledge actively. A good way to overcome this problem is active teaching/ learning through application of cooperative form of learning, where the aim is that students study through interaction which they enter on the basis of their previous knowledge and skills and to become active creators of their knowledge. This study presents a research survey with the aim to establish effects of cooperative learning of physics and music as well as physics and art in secondary schools. The surveys we conducted show that this approach to teaching contributes to a higher level of understanding, better transfer of knowledge, better achievement and also to the inner motivation of both students and teachers. The obtained results indicate that cooperative learning can be applied to students of all ages, for all school subjects and within a large number of themes.


physics, cooperative learning, motivation, perception, creativity

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