A prototype atmospheric pressure non-thermal corona plasma reactor system is developed and tested for the removal of commercial textile reactive dye from water. The dye can be completely degraded in water by the presented reactor system in the initial concentration range of 10-100 mg dm-3. Dye degradation rate decreases with the increase of initial dye concentration and pulse frequency. The pH of treated solutions decreases with the increase of treatment time and with the decrease of the applied frequency. Solutions electrical conductivity increases with an increase of treatment time and with the decrease of the applied frequency. The decolorization reactions follow the pseudo-first kinetics order. The changes in the treated dye solutions compositions are the consequences of injection of plasma generated reactive species from gas into the liquid through the interfacial zone.
- Atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma reactor is developed for organics degradation use
- Textile reactive dye was completely decolorized in the tested initial dye concentration range
- Degradation rate decreases with the increase of initial concentration and applied reactor frequency
- Degradation kinetics follows the pseudo-first-order model
- The increase of reaction time and applied frequency cause the decrease of pH and increase of electrical conductivity
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