Mladen Živković, Dejan Stošić, Saša Bubanj, Katarina Herodek, Dobrica Živković

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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of 10 weeks of vibration training on changes to the explosive strength of the upper limbs, as well as to determine whether the possible effects were caused by vibrational stimulation of the muscles or static exercises. The research  sample comprised  60 male participants,  aged 21 ± 6 months,  randomly  divided into three subsamples. The experimental group (n=15) comprised participants included in a specially  designed  vibration training using the Flexi-bar, the first control group  (n=15) comprised participants included in a specially  designed  static training, and the second control group comprised participants not included in any specially  designed training (n=30). All of the participants were tested at the beginning using the bench press test and the Myotest was used as a measuring instrument . The statistical methods used in this research to investigate the effects of the training were the univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) and multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Analyzing the obtained results, it was determined that vibration training using the Flexi-bar does not have a statistically significant influence on the change in the values of the explosive strength of the upper limbs , but that there were changes in the mean values of the studied  parameters. In order for the experimental program to produce better results, training should be modified. Vibration training would produce better results if the frequency produced by the Flexi-bar was higher, which is an assumption based on previous research.


Flexi-bar, static exercise, bench press.

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