Bojan J. Mitrović, Radivoje Janković, Milivoj Dopsaj, Goran Vučković, Saša Milojević, Saša Pantelić, Mirsad Nurkić

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A reduced level of work abilities of a police officer caused by the reduced level of physical abilities have an adverse influence on the efficient and safe performance of a wide range of complex police measures. The aim of this paper was to determine whether morphological characteristics (MC) and motor abilities (BMA) before the beginning of specialized physical education (SPE) are on the same level as during the entrance exam, that is, the effects of an eight-month-long period during which the students of the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies did not have organized SPE. 137 candidates participated in the study (67 male and 70 female candidates). BH, BW and BMI were observed to determine MC and for estimation of BMA: Push-ups 10 seconds (PU), Sit-ups 30 seconds (ABD), Standing long jump (LJ), Abalak (VJ),as well as Isometric dead lift(FmaxBE), for the males, and Hand grip (FmaxHG) for female candidates. The results of the MANOVA have shown that between both measurements it was not determined that there are statistically significant differences for MC in candidates of both genders (female p=0.160; male p=0.203), generally, while for BMA it was determined that there are significant differences in candidates of both genders (female p=0.003; male p=0.033). Individually by variable, during the eight-month-long period, of the MC among the female, BMI statistically significantly increased (3.97%; p=0.029), and among the male candidates (2.53%, p=0.034), respectively; concerning BMA among the  female, a significantly poorer result was achieved in FmaxHG (6.99%; p=0.006), LJ (4.59%; p=0.024) and VJ (7.3%; p=0.006) and in male candidates in LJ (2.83%; p=0.035) and VJ (4.27%; p=0.031), respectively. It can be concluded that the eight-month-long period without any  organized SPE classes had a bad influence on BMA.


Police work, physical ability, students, specialized physical education.

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