Izet Kahrović, Milovan Bratić, Mirsad Nurkić, Srećko Jovanović, Oliver Radenković, Benin Murić

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Since competitions in karate take place within bouts and katas, the subject matter of this study are the psychological characteristics which contribute to this differentiation. The goal of the research is to determine the predictive values of psychological characteristics in the competitive selection of karatekas. In relation to the subject matter and goals of the research, as well as studies carried out so far, a hypothesis has been formulated: significant differences exist in goal orientation between karatekas of various competitive orientation. The study included 79 karatekas, 12 to 14 years old, 37 of whom are competitors in bouts, 23 of whom practice katas, and 19 respondents who take part in both disciplines. In order to evaluate the motivational orientation, we used the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), designed by Duda & Nicholls. Even though the overall results did not confirm the initial hypothesis that the respondents of various competitive orientation should differ in their motivational climate of goal orientation, they to a large extent can be of significant help in the proper selection of young competitors in karate.


karate, kata, kumite, target orientation

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