Nevenka Zrnzević, Jovana Zrnzević

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Nowadays the research of motor skills points to the lack of efficiency of teaching physical education and its effects on the development of motor skills, especially among students of an early school age. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of the applied experimental and current programme of physical education on the motor skills of the first-grade primary school students. The experimental program was carried out on a sample of 185 primary school students (106 students in the experimental group and 79 students in the control group). To determine the effects of the experimental programme a multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) and univariate analysis of covariance (ANOVA) were applied. Both programmes have effects on the changes of motor skills of students, but the effects of the experimental programme were significantly higher (p = .000). The best effects were achieved in the development of repetitive and explosive strength and segmental velocity among the students of the experimental group. The purpose of the research is reflected in increasing the level of scientific information on the motor skills of students. It can help teachers to plan, program, implement and control the teaching process more rationally and optimally.


school age, physical education, additional exercises

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