Vladan M Pelemis, Momcilo Momir Pelemis, Nebojsa Zoran Mitrovic, Danica Džinović-Kojić

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The study was conducted on a sample of 302 subjects, divided into two sub-samples: 150 boys and 152 girls, aged 10 and 11 years to determine gender differences in morphological characteristics and motor skills, as well as relations with the mentioned space test for assessing agility. The battery of tests prescribed by the Committee for the Development of Sport of the Council of Europe was used. By applying multivariate (MANOVA) analyses of variance sex differences in morphological characteristics (F=2.544; P=0.006) and motor performance (F=15.451; P=0.000) were found. At the univariate level, the differences were manifested in the volume and body mass, muscle strength of the knee extensors, wrist flexor muscle strength, static strength of arms and shoulders, repetitive force of upper body and tests for the assessment of agility, all in favor of the boys. Research findings also indicate that the relationship of morphological characteristics with agility test for assessing hold statistically significant association only in girls. Also, the relationship between motor skills to the test for the assessment of agility was established both in boys and in girls. Indicated gender differences suggest the need for additional work with girls, and relationships indicate the possibility of planning the transformation process.

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