Stanislav Škrkar, Dejan Madić, Miloš Petrović

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The aim of this study was to examine the differences in motor competence among children of different school ages, as well as whether there is a negative trend in the decline of these values with increased age. The research was conducted in a school environment, the sample consisted of 151 male and female children, age 7-11 years, divided into four approximately equal subsamples: first grade children N=36 (7.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD), second grade children N=41 (8.5±0.3 years, Mean±SD), third grade children N=40 (9.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD) and fourth grade children N=34 (10.4±0.3 years, Mean±SD). The Körperkoordinations test (KTK) assesses the coordination of the whole body and is intended for children aged 5-14 years. The test is internationally standardised and consists of 4 subtests from which the following variables emerged: single-leg hopping, walking backwards, two-legged lateral jumping, lateral movement platforms and Total KTK. The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed statistically significant differences between children of all ages in all tested variables, in the total (P=.00) and individual (p=.00) system of variables. These findings also indicated a negative trend of declining motor competence of children with increasing age. A similar trend was observed in the individual variables of the KTK battery. The increased involvement of physical education teachers and children in physical education classes is recommended in order to increase the development of children's motor competence through regular physical activities on a daily basis.


Motor Competence, KTK, Primary School Children

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES200530027S


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