Slobodan Pavlović, Dragan Marinković, Dejan Madić, Višnja Đorđić, Ivana Milovanović, Eric Brymer

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The main purpose of this article is to determine which motivational orientation (MO) of primary school students (n=240) and their physical self-concept (PSC) contribute to the intensity of students' physical activity and volume of physical activity in a physical education (PE) class. They were estimated using the pedometer and heart rate sensor. MO is measured using a modified Self-Regulation Questionnaire. PSC was measured using subscales of the Self-perception Profile for Children. In boys, PSC and motivation present better predictors of physical activity in PE elementary school classes (p<0.01), than in girls. Intrinsic Motivation and Athletic Competence have a high predictive function. Boys with a higher level of sport competence and intrinsic motivation are physically more active in a PE classes. PE classes could enhance MO and PSC by supporting basic different psychological aspect of children.


Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms, Self-Assessment, Exercise, Physical Education and Training

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