Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Facta Universitatis, Series: Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by the University of Niš, Serbia and Pedagogical Faculty, Vranje, Serbia.

The journal publishes original papers in the areas of Teaching and Learning and related topics, with a special emphasis on articles in the fields of Teacher Education. Articles dealing with interaction between different fields are welcome. The journal is published 2 issues per year and all papers will be blind reviewed. Accepted papers will be available on line (free access) and in printed version. No publication fee.

Journal is primarily concerned with teaching, learning and teacher education in general and publishes original scientific papers and review papers which covers, but not limited to the following scope:

  • Teaching and Learning Strategies
  • Curriculum Development and Task Design
  • Educational Psychology
  • Sociology of Education
  • Contemporary Issues in Social Development
  • Philosophy of Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Informatics Education
  • Teaching and Learning Language and Literacy
  • Science Education
  • Teaching of Social Sciences
  • Teaching and Learning Visual and Musical Arts
  • Education for Students with Disabilities 
  • Education for Gifted and Talented Students
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Informal and Non-formal Education
  • Religious Education
  • Civic Education 


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The submitted manuscript are subject to a peer review process in order to select for publishing the articles meeting the high standards of this journal. The reviewers’ identities are not disclosed to the authors, nor are the authors' identities disclosed to the reviewers.

Each manuscript submitted for publication in Facta Univeristatis, Series Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education will be initially assessed by the Editor, who decides whether the article fits the scope of the journal. If the Editor finds the manuscript meets the journal’s minimum standards for publication, the paper then undergoes the reviewing process.

In the main reviewing phase, the assigned Editor sends the received papers, without the name and affiliation of the authors, to two experts in the field, by using the on-line web management system. The electronic evaluation form used by reviewers contains a checklist in order to help referees to cover all aspects that can decide the publication. In the final section of the evaluation form, the reviewers must include observations and suggestions for improvement that are sent to the authors, without the names of the reviewers.

All the reviewers of a paper remain anonymous to the authors and act independently before, during and after the evaluation process. They have different affiliation and they are not aware of each other’s identities. If the decisions of the two reviewers are not the same (accept/reject), the paper is sent to a third reviewer.

Based on the referee reports the Editor will make a recommendation for rejection, minor or major revisions, or acceptance. If revisions are required, then the author(s) will be requested to respond to the objections and changes suggested by the referees. When the manuscript is resubmitted after the first round of referee reports, the Editor may take two lines of action. The Editor may find the revisions persuasive and therefore approve publication or demand further refereeing.

The final decision for publication is done by the Editor-in-chief based on the scrutiny of reviewers and the scope of the journal.

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the quality and selection of manuscripts chosen to be published, and the authors are always responsible for the content of each article.


Publication Frequency

This journal is published two times a year. The first issue is published in July, the second issue in December, approximately.


Open Access Policy

Facta Universitatis, Series Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education is an Open Access Journal in accordance with the Berlin Declaration. All articles can be downloaded free of charge for personal, educational and scientific purposes (Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND).

This license allows reusers to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format in unadapted form only, for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator.

CC BY-NC-ND includes the following elements:
BY – Credit must be given to the creator
NC – Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted
ND – No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.

Link: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Publication Fee

No page charges for publications in this journal.

Free Electronic Version (PDF): The authors may download the papers from the journal website, or will be provided with the PDF version of the article via e-mail.