The representation of didactic musical games in current classroom teaching curricula and Musical Culture textbooks is the focus of this research. Didactic musical games are activities with specific rules and defined educational goal. Through these games, students unconsciously master various melodic and rhythmic concepts while developing their musical abilities. Due to their educational potential, these games are valuable tools for acquiring knowledge and developing skills in the teaching of Musical Culture. In this regard, the goals and tasks of this research are to determine the extent to which didactic musical games are included in the curricula and Musical Culture textbooks. The results indicate that these games are sufficiently represented in relation to the content of the Musical Culture subject. However, it is necessary to more precisely categorize certain musical games, such as singing games, those with instrumental accompaniment, musical dramatizations and didactic musical games. Additionally, we find it essential to provide specific didactic-methodical instructions for implementing these games in the curricula.
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