Dragana Jovanović, Marina Ćirić

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Research interest in comparing education took place in parallel with the study of society and social achievements. Contemporary context, in which there is interdependence and reciprocity, demands re-focusing on the role of comparative research in analyzing the structure, resources development, social function of education in relation to the position in the structure of the world. In this paper, by analyzing the methodological characteristics, with special overview to the methods, seeks to highlight the problems of comparative researches and ways to overcome them. From the theoretical point of view, changes will be considered as well as analyzing the arguments about the need to mixed-methods approach in comparing educational phenomena. At the same time it seeks to identify tendencies which reflect both directions and contradictions in the development of comparative research, as well as the factors of this development.


comparative researches, school systems, education, quantitative methodological approach, qualitative methodological approach

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