Lela Milošević Radulović, Suzana Marković Krstić

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The paper discusses the role of teachers and school professional teams in prevention of digital violence in order to increase the safety of students while using the information and communication technology. The school as the center of the educational process can, with its continuous action, indicate the possible risks in the functioning and usage of information and communication technology, as well as other key factors in prevention of digital violent behavior and social intervention when violence occurs. The social reaction to digital violence implies the application of an active school education strategy that involves acquiring knowledge about the risks and risk behaviors and developing the responsibility of an individual when using digital technologies, then a strategy of action when an individual is exposed to some form of digital violence and sanctions for those who violate the rules. In recent years, scientists and experts have been involved in theoretical and empirical researches in the field of digital violence in order to gain knowledge and raise awareness about the dangers that threaten in the virtual environment. Such initiatives can significantly contribute to the intensification of the educational activities of the school (teachers and professional teams) by pointing to their indispensable role and importance in designing adequate preventive strategies for solving this significant social problem.


digital violence, prevention, teacher, school professional team, active educational strategy.

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
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