Ljiljana Mitić

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The subject matter of this research is the representation of ecological contents in teaching in junior primary school and not only does it have practical application, but also theoretical. The ecological contents of teaching in junior primary school are directed towards the education of students and their development for the improvement of their immediate environment. In order to successfully approach the improvement in teaching lower grade students in primary  school, regarding ecological contents, it is necessary first to examine and determine how many of our schools are represented. The aim and task of the research was to point out the importance of ecological contents and their representation in teaching in junior primary school. Accordingly, the paper presents a part of the research that shows what teachers think about the representation of ecological contents in the classroom. The research has shown that this is a very important topic.


ecological content, ecological education, environment, teacher

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)