This paper examines the relationship and scope of the convergence of environmentally oriented disciplines (sociology and pedagogy), sub disciplines theoretical approaches (socio-environmental theory and ecological systems theory) which focus on the integration of contemporary society, individual and nature, all with the goal of sustainable development and common prosperity. In the process of globalization, man is largely forced to be flexible and to adapt to the mechanisms of the market economy and to adopt the principles of any type of diversity. The connection between environmental values, knowledge and experiences is the central idea of education for sustainable development. The main paradigm of environmental orientation requires the redefinition of the educational goals, in order to balance the changes to the “identitary” culture and value matrices of general social importance during the sustainable development process. It is clear that by defining the desirable environmental values and action competences that are pro-environmental, it would result in the optimum model of sustainable development within the education system, which ensures local and global development and progress. For these reasons, in addition to formal and university education, the education for sustainable development is achieved by self-education, non-formal and informal education. We conclude that the development and transfer of value matrices in the implicit curriculum which are based on the interactive encouragement of environmental sensitivity and social experiences in immediate communication in the classroom and school, can affect the adoption of ethical and environmental sustainability standards, as well as action competencies to address many important social issues.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE1902171M
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