Vesna Zdravković, Aleksandar Stojadinović, Jelena Vučkovski Minevska

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This paper focuses on the review of scientific articles and publications from the field of Teaching Methodology published in Serbia and the region that show the possibility of using music learning materials in the implementation of integrated teaching. The provided examples of these papers show that certain learning topics from the Music lessons are suitable for the intradisciplinary integration; however, they can also be used in other courses as well. Both the historical method and theoretical analysis method were used in this paper, which proved useful when it comes to theoretical research of this kind, and the aim of the paper is to promote the concept that music art is integrated with other learning topics through Music Education lessons in class teaching, in order to achieve the integrity of professional and pedagogical education of future school teachers and preschool teachers and thus make music art accessible to everyone.


integrated teaching, learning topics, Music lessons

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