Amela Malićević, Ivana Tasić Mitić, Aleksandar Stojadinović

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The theory of reception in the study of literature is based on the knowledge that the reader is an indispensable actor in the realization of a literary work, as well as in the process of its spiritual form. A literary work of art can come to life and realize its true function only if the one receiving it understands and experiences it in the right way, if he manages to interpret and adopt the message that the writer sends him through the work. There is therefore a common opinion that the writer and the reader jointly create and revive the wonderful world of literary art. This paper points out the importance of educating early primary school students for the proper reception, understanding and emotional experience of a literary text. The precondition to achieve success in this endeavor, is that students successfully master the skill of reading and familiarize themselves in a comprehensive way with the different types of reading. Modern schooling also sets an important task for the teacher, which is to motivate students to read and experience literary works; and above all to encourage and help students develop their own internal motivation to read.


student, reading, literary work of art, reception, motivation

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)